How to Have Difficult Conversations: Promoting Peace in Times of Division
About The Video
Professor John Inazu is the Sally D. Danforth Distinguished Professor of Law & Religion and Professor. of Political Science (by courtesy), Washington University School of Law.
In describing the current American mood, many use terms like “polarized,” “alienated,” “divided,” “distrustful.” In describing to its readers how to live with each other, the Bible, in contrast, uses words like “peacemakers” (Matthew 5:9), “reconciliation” (2 Corinthians 5:18), and “unity” (Psalm 133:1). How can we have difficult conversations well in the face of this division? Dr. Inazu, author of Confident Pluralism: Surviving and Thriving Through Deep Difference (University of Chicago Press) and co-author with Tim Keller of Uncommon Ground: Living Faithfully in a World of Difference (HarperCollins) will address this challenging topic.
Response by Reverend John C. Lin, Harvard Law School, Theologian-in-Residence.